Southern Connecticut State College
THE Golf Outing - 2015
Back Row: Tom Farrell, Mike (Moon) Carbray, Bob McNamara, Jim (Kap) Kapral,
Jim Cavalieri, John Maschi, Howie (
Cools) Cooley

Front Row: Kevin (
Squatty) Dunleavy, Ed Nadriczny, George Barone, Steve Burnett
THE Fucking Cake
The first annual golf tournament now known as THE Golf Outing was held on Wednesday, June 24th at the Chippanee Country Club in Bristol, CT

After event was hosted by the newly elected "
THE Golf Outing" Charman & CEO Jim (Kap) Kapral and his very patient and supportive wife Judy
A few notable comments on the event by the Charter Members:
• My playing partners dragged my game down and ate all my watermelon

• Moon made fun of my shorts

• Saw a memorial to Squatty on the 17th hole

• Special thanks to Judy as a great hostess in place of Kap who was enjoying his 12 Pilsner Lite's (he stepped up from Hull's)

• Great day even playing all those "short" par fours from the blue tees

• Great job by Kap and his better half Judy. I (Moon) was the only gentleman in the group that was smart enough to bring her wine and flowers. I will be invited back for sure

• I (Moon) will be on time next year. I will have to tell 'X' to keep her hands off me before I play golf. Plus I will be retired then and will have more time to get prepared

Next year's tentative date will be Wednesday, June 22nd. Mark your calendars now...
Start time will be 10:30 AM

We can play at Chippanee or another course -- the planning committee is open to all options..

Please feel free to offer suggestions on how we can improve on the day -- competitive matches?, Food? Drink? Shirts? Hats?

Also look to invite other brothers -- I would really like to expand the field beyond the 10 golfers - If we reach 16, I can host after golf -- any more than that I can arrange food and drink at Chippanee.

All new golfers must apply for participation rights - subject the Chairman's approval. The Selection Committee will be expected to provide recommendations.

I (Kap) will take personal responsibility for the Fuckin Cake next year

Jim Kapral (Chairman & CEO)
THE Golf Outing - 2016 Plans