This article appeared in the Southern news on 5/22/1968
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Pledge Class List
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Bill Dolliver (Baby Doll)
Norman George (Gross)
Rick Synnott (Wheels)
Frank D'Amico
George Bachman
Alberini, Pat (Gunksta)
Butafuso, Mike
Cavallero, Frank
Combre, Todd
Deliseo, Geno
Ferguson, PJ
Goldworm, Rob
McElroy, Charlie
Pribbish, Mike
Schachner, Tom
Searles, Kevin
Shea, John
Statham, Doug
Szler, George
Tamedi, Paul
Tzovolus, George
Kuhn, Adam
Gallulo, Pete
Lageunnesse, Jeff
Sprague, Ralph
Kiss, Jens
Mike Gurzenda
Southern Connecticut State College
(Fall 1968)

Harry Clark (Pledge President)
Paul Bevins
John Deppen
Phil DiGiovanni
Jon Meigs
Bob Mraz
Dom Santilli
Bob Maser
(Spring 1969)
Pledge Master: Fred Romano

Tony Moura (Mick)
Ludwig Spinelli
Rich Fitzpatrick
George Jablonski
Roy Smith
Frank Lotti
Charter Members
(Spring 1968)

Drew Valla (President)
Rick Mahoney (Weasel-Vice President)
Don Giannini (Treasurer)
Mike Elias (Secretary)
Jim Murphy (Sargent at Arms)
Len Gerardi (Booley-Pledgemaster)
Ed Sokolik (Buddy-Social Chairman)
Jim Benjamin
Mike Bundock (Bundy)
Craig Cappiello (Capper)
John Carini
Tim French
Ed Pawlowski
Fred Romano
Ron Turri

Ed Wilson
Andrew Acampora
Jeff Griffith
Walt Maziarz

Carl Bourne (Crazy)
Bill Schwartz
(Spring 71)

Rich Altieri (Dad or Doo)
Howard Cooley (Cools)
Bob McNamara
Bill Pukas (Gorge)
Mark Harrison
Jim Waterman
Dave Vargo (Gizelle)
Bill Bunnell
Dave Frost

James Bourne (Rico)
Barry Weiner
Pete Mandras
Greg Reilly
Dom Caiafa (Giant)
Jim Reynolds
John Whelan (Wolfman)
Gary Zenowitz
Rick Rimkunas
Michael Hayes
Ken Rogers
(Spring 72)

Pat Cortese
Jim Kapral (Kap)
Rick Lacher (Ric)
Rick Helmrich
Mark Ritucci (Giggles)
Steve Barber
Ray Lapinski
Mike Carbray (Moon)
Jim Fulton (Funky)

Walt Korsick
(Fall 78)

Geffrey Baldwin
Scott Scharin
Steve Virgadula (Rags)
(Spring 73)

Harvey Bourdeau
Al Cosenza (D.A.)
Kevin Dunleavy (Squatty)
Jim Martin (Marty)
Bob Gargoni (Chico)
Al Lender
Joe Maiorano
Kevin Bates
Rick Stone
John Fisher
Dedicated to the Alumni Brothers of Phi Alpha Omega
(Fall 73)

Ed Nadriczny
Dave Young (Ravester)
George Barone
Mike Kiselica (Ki)
Don David (Abdul)
Clay Delaney
Bob Pendolphi (Pondo)
Steve Racine
Jim Moher
Mike Cristofaro
(Spring 74)

David Boutin
Frank Calamaro
John Maschi
Steve Sawyer
Pat Legato
Bruce Terrell
Mark Andrews
Mark McCahill (Meat)
Bob DeAngelis
(Fall 74)
Pledge Master: Barry Weiner

Steve Burnett (Bernie)
Ray Favreau
Chuck May
John Musco
Joel Barber
Steve Slattery (Slats)
Billy Taylor
John Cottone
(Spring 75)
Pledge Master: Clay Delaney

Frank Samuelson
Fred Remen
Alan Birnbaum
Steve Cantor (Wee Wee)
Jason Jones
Gary Luisi
Pete Wirhun
(Fall 75)

Paul Barone
Rob Barracco
John Carollo
AJ Presto
Gary Gilligan
Jim Boblatz
(Spring 76)

Jim Cavalieri (Guido)
Paul Prete
Jules Giorgi
(Fall 76)
Pledge Master: Mark McCahill

Sean Carolyn
Kevin Gemmell
Bruce Kirk
Ralph Rinaldi
Tom Moore
Jerry Mastrangelo
Ron Longo
Johhny Craig (Wamba)
Paul Garlasco
Mark Lawlor (Bubba)
(Spring 77)
Pledge Master: Jules Giorgi

Bill Drury
Bill Joyce
Eric Curtis
Alex Trasacco

(Fall 77)

Randy Sylvester
Tim Geary (Tin Man)
Bob Chapman
Danny Thomas
Ed Remington
Ted Hurlock
Bob Salke (Bert)
Tony Malafronte
(Spring 78)

Michael Marino
Don Nocker
Keith Samolyk (Sammy)
Honorary Members

Tom Tazza
Jim Sorenson (Doc)
Kevin Searles
Tom Farrell
To dream ... the impossible dream ...
To fight ... the unbeatable foe ...
To bear ... with unbearable sorrow ...
To run ... where the brave dare not go ...
To right ... the unrightable wrong ...
To love ... pure and chaste from afar ...
To try ... when your arms are too weary ...
To reach ... the unreachable star ...

This is my quest,
to follow that star ...
No matter how hopeless,
no matter how far ...
To fight for the right,
without question or pause ...
To be willing to march into Hell,
for a Heavenly cause ...

And I know if I'll only be true,
to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest ...
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach ... the unreachable star ...
Frank Sinatra
The Impossible dream (with lyrics)
Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle)
The Impossible Dream
(Fall 79)

Davita, Joe
Giza, John
Gabriele, Frank
(Fall 1981)
Pledge Master: Paul Tarca

Bob Chester
Tim Douglas
Rob Visgillio
Chris Delillo
(Spring 82)
(Fall 82)
(Spring 80)
("Silver Anniversary Class"
Fall 1980)
Pledge Master: Johnny Craig

Paul Tarca
Dan Tarca
Pete Suits
Nick Riccardelli
Dave Gorman
John "Geedo" Foley
Tim Murphy
(Spring 83)
(Spring 81)
(Fall 84)

Rob Mancusi
John Haggerty
Randy Thomas
(Fall 83)
Pledge Master: Bob Chester

Joe Williams
Greg Hannon
Ned Conley
Darrin Magro

(Fall 85)
Pledge Masters: Joe Williams & Adam Kuhn

Bob Huscher (Hush)
Rob Spino
RJ Weber
Dave Marro
John Doherty
Scott Frazer
Mike Cline
Mike Huda

(Fall 86)

David Russell
Ed Quirk
Rich Brown
(Sweet) Lou Casbarro
Mike Goggin
Brian McCarroll
Peter Casolino
Chewbacca ??
(Spring 86)

George Tzovolos
Kevin Haley
Jim Goggin
Unknown Pledge class, Incorrect Names, Missing names. Please help with these
(Spring 88)
Pledge Master: Mike Butafuso

Jon 'Okie' McGreevy
Chris Belknap
Mike Deorio
Dan Malloy
Jason Massa
John Snabaitis
Mark Lamadeline
(Spring 87)
Pledge Master: Rob Mancusi

Jim White
Al Gagnon
Andy O'Brien

(Fall 88)

Pat Spino
Andy Lyman
Paul Peluchette
Mark Perez
Joe Simone
Jorge Thomas
Tom Brennan
Brian Steinle
Mike Starkey
Brian Goldstone
George Seiler
Frank Melvin
Roger Ramelli
Foley, Mike
(Spring 89)
Pledge Master: Mike Pribesh

Roger Tiberio
Tim Rogers
George 'Flying' Fenn
Joe 'Big Ball' Barone
Frank ?
(Fall 89)

Ryan Payulak
Tim Payulak
Chris 'Surfer Boy Myers
Kevin Malady
Jim Ziemkowski
Jeff Connolly
Billy Enos
Rick Mazur
Ray O' Neil
John Tobin
Naz Flory
Dan Winkleman

(Fall 87)
Pledge Master: Bob Huscher
PAO Memorial Fund
We have established a PAO Memorial Fund to support the familes or charitable organizations of our departed brothers.

Donations can be sent to:

Ed Nadriczny
96 Woodlawn Road
Monroe, CT 06468