Dom Caiafa & Howie Cooley
Pat Cortese & Howie Cooley (Cools)
These were all taken in the 1st Floor Phi House -- 1972-1973 Academic Year. It appears most of these were taken the night Dom wrote to an ex-girlfriend and also Tequila Night with Pat. Photo's supplied by Jim (Kap) Kapral
Southern Connecticut State College
Pictures 1972-1973
Mike Carbray (Moon) & Jim Martins (Marty)
Carl Bourne, Dom Caiafa & Howie Cooley
Most of the pics were taken 1972-1973 academic year - that was when Mike Carbray (Moon), Jim Kapral (Kap) lived on the 1st floor of the PHI house with Bill Pukas and Pete Mandras in one room and Pat Cortez and Howie Cooley (Cools) in the other. At that time the 1st floor was the place to be!!!!!
Bill Pukas
Howie Cooley & Mark Ritucci
Jim Kapral - Deep in thought
1st Floor Room
Howie Cooley & Mark Harrison
Jim Martin & Steve Barber
Jim Martin & Dom Caiafa
Jim Kapral and ...