Ed Nadriczny, Kevin Dunleavy and
Ed's future wife Karin
Rick Lacher & John Musco
Maria, Bob Pendolfi, Howie Cooley, Jim Kapral
Paul Barone, Al Cosenza, Dom Caiafa, Harvey Bourdeau,
James Martin, John Maschi, George Barone, Rick lacher,
Mike Carbray. October 1977
Bob Pendolfi, Dave Young, Ed
Bob Pendolfi, Mike Carbray, Frank
Karin, Kevin Dunleavy
Howie Cooley, Mike Carbray &
Rick Helmrich
6 generations of big brothers. Rich Altieri,
Norman George, Jim Reynolds, Jim Kapral,
Jim Martin, Steve Racine
Jim Kapral, Rick Helmrich
Karin, Doug Morgan, Mike Kiselika
Dave Young & Doug Morgan
Rick Helmrich, Pete Mandras (by the
keg) Dom Caiafa, Bill Pukas
Barry Weiner &
Alan Birnbaum (Holding the child)
John Maschi, Jim Cavalieri (Future Insurance Exec &
School Principle)
Ed Nadriczny and Karin
Installation Dance 3/8/75
Clay Delaney, Rick Helmrich,
Jim Kapral
Installation Dance 3/8/75
Phi service project in Hamden for Goodwill Industries on Dixwell Ave, circa Spring
1976. We were asked to take several hundred bundles of clothes and separate
them by gender, color etc - Memory by Frank Samuelson
Back Row: Steve Cantor, ?,?,?,?,? James Martin
Front Row: AJ Presto, John Maschi, Ray Favreau, Pete Wirhun, Mike Kiselica, Frank
Samuelson, Ed Nadriczny, Bruce Terrell, Kevin Dunleavy
Press play to start video
August 1990 Phi Party at Rick & Lori Lacher's home in Cheshire CT.
Lots of spouses & ex-spouses and kids on this video
Guest appearances by: Kevin Dunleavy, Barry Weiner, Harvey Bourdeau,
George Barone, Rick Lacher, Jim Sorrenson, Bob McNamara, Tom Farrell, Ed
Nadriczny, Mike Carbray, Dom Caiafa, Rich Altieri, Al Cosenza, Jim Reynolds,
John Maschi, John Whelan
If you see Form Object or nothing at all, it's due to your device (Droid, iPhone, i-whatever) not being capable of running Flash.
Rick Helmrich, Jim Martin & Fred Remen
George Barone, Chuck May
& Becky
Bruce Terrell, Steve Cantor, Pete Wirhun,
John Maschi, Pat Legato
?, Alan Birnbaum, Joel Barber, Pat
John Musco & Becky
John Musco & ?, the girl
holding her thumbs up is
Maura Dunleavy (Kevin's
baby sister)
Paul & George Barone
?, Kevin Dunleavy (Squatty), Steve Cantor (We We), Mike Rinaldi (Beta
Frat), Mike Kiselica & George Barone
Squatty's middle finger is raised to the photographer (John Musco)
Fall 1974 Flag Football Team
Photo by John Musco ASP, BFD & SOMF
Place mouse cursor over the face to get the name of the player. Clicking will show you a full size image of the photo