Southern Connecticut State College
15th Pledge Class
Pledge Master: Clay Delaney

Frank Samuelson
Fred Remen
Alan Birnbaum
Steve Cantor (Wee Wee)
Jason Jones
Gary Luisi
Pete Wirhun
Seems to be some confusion over the pledge class in this photo. It's a combination of a couple of classes or our memories are just shot....
Back Row: John Cottone, Chuck May, Frank Samuelson, Fred Remen
Front Row: John Musco, Ray Favreau, Steve Slattery, Billy Taylor
15th Pledge Class Installation Party
Pictures from Clay delaney
Left to right: Barry Weiner, Clay Delaney, Rich Helmrich, Jim Kapral, Mike Carbray
Left to right: Fred Remen, John Musco, Bob Pendolphi, Peter Wirhun, Pat Legato, Clay Delaney, Steve 'WeWe' Cantor