Southern Connecticut State College
Pictures 2016 Picnic
Held on September 17th at the Meriden PBA Club; 74 Birdsey Avenue, Meriden, CT. Around 80 people attended the picnic including over 35 brothers covering almost all the pledge classes. Brothers from the Charter Members through the final pledge classes along with spouses, girlfriends and kids enjoyed a great day of food, re-establishing friendships, making new ones and reminiscing about the past. Also attending was Kathy Valla, Drew's wife

The day was kicked off by Ed Nadriczny who paid a tribute to all our departed brothers with the focus being on one of our founders and 1st President Drew Valla. Also honoring Drew were his brothers Rick Mahoney, Mike Bundock and Lud Spinelli

The ceremony ended with the playing of
The Impossble Dream on our superior sound system

Thru ticket sales and the generosity of many brothers who gave additional donations to the fund, we covered all expenses and have approximately $675 left on hand. These funds will be used as necessary for any future, appropriate Phi Alpha Omega expenses and as "start up" funds for any future events. There was some talk among Brothers about our next potential event; what, when and where it should be. If you have any ideas or suggestions for our next possible event, please get those ideas to me (George Barone) and I will pass it on to everyone

Please continue to reach out to Brothers we may not have contact info for and get that information to me. Also, please forward any fraternity related information to me and I will make sure it gets on the web site

The big news from an historical standpoint was the return of 'The Picture'. After 10-15 years of no one knowing where is was, who had it or if it even still existed. This mystery was our own Jimmy Hoffa story. Well it appeared again but by the end of the day, it was gone. To be seen again in ?

We have to give the brothers involved a lot of credit for pulling this off. We (collectively speaking) still have the touch! For those of you who never heard of this, visit the Brothers Only Page for background information
Photo's by John Musco 14th Pledge Class
Link to all the picture on Shutterfly can be found here
Ed Nadriczny prepares and cleans the grounds
Setting up the sound system for the Impossible Dream
Kathy Valla
Lud Spinelli
Mike Bundock
Rick Mahoney
The "Picture"
They are look so innocent, isn't one of these guys a lawyer?
Alex Trasacco
Al and Sue Cosenza
Anne Tarca catches up with old friends
Barry Weiner & Rick Synnott in the back with the blue shirt
Bill and Mary Joyce
Bob Chester
Bob Husher
Bob & Karen Pendolphi
Dave Boutin
Dave Marro & John Doherty
Frank Calamaro
Fred & Kim Remen
George Barone
Harvey Borudeau
Carol Mandras, Jeff Connolly in the back (light blue shirt)
Jeff & Laura Connolly, Bob & Lisa Chester
Jim Cavalieri
Jim & Joann Fulton
Jim Kapral
John Musco
Jorge & Donna Tomas
Karin Nadriczny & Cindy Weiner
Mark Perez
Mauree Bundock
Mike (Moon) and Poppy Carbray
Mike Bundock, Rick Synnott & Tony Moura
Norman George
Paul Barone
Paul Tarca
Pete & Kathy Casolino
Pete Mandras
Rich Altieri
Rick Synnott &
Tony Moura
R.J. Weber &
Nick Ricciardelli
Rob Spino,
Dave Marro & Mike Huda
Steve Burnett,
Ed Nadriczny &
Harvey Bourdeau
Tony Moura
John Snabaitis
Dave Marro
John & Carrie's kids had a great time
Check out the size of this cookie! Think she is happy?
The end of a great day